Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Ultimate Single Project

This past weekend my cousin Brittany got married. It was a beautiful wedding in Palm Coast, FL at the Hammock Beach Resort. It was wonderful to see my family, lay out on the beach, eat, drink and be merry. So when the reception rolled around and they started playing 'Single Ladies' by Beyonce beofre the bouquet toss and I was standing up there having a mini crisis about being 26 and still terminally single, I made a deal with myself.

IF I am going to be attending weddings (next one is my girl Kiersten's wedding on my 27th birthday in Vail, CO) then I need to make it more fun. So my two options are: A) Do something unsavory and possibly requiring vaccinations afterwards. OR B) Learn the Single Ladies dance and rock out before the bouquet toss next time. While both are enticing, for the purposes of not receiving a phone call from my mother I'll choose option B.

So here's my goal: Learn the Single Ladies dance before August 13, 2011. I'll break it down on hard it is, tips to help you learn how to do the dance and of course, all the major goof-ups I've had (because let's be honest, this is a gong show waiting to happen.)

If you have tips on how to perform this dance, the advice is appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. I have no tips for this dance...or any other dance. HA.
