Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Value of FourSquare

I'll admit that I was hesitant to join FourSquare; I saw it as a creepy stalker tool and being a single female didn't think it was the best idea to use it. I resisted, I didn't use places on Facebook, I didn't tweet with my location on, and I certainly wasn't going to use an application whose sole purpose was location based check ins. Then suddenly, I decided to give it a try for a month and see how I felt. It hasn't been a month yet, but I can guarantee you that I will be using FourSquare for the foreseeable future.

Privacy Options: First and foremost, let's talk about my biggest fears when it came to FourSquare; the unintended stalkerazzi. Stalkers have been a part of many of my friends' lives and even though I live in a secure apartment with a dog and roommates (one of them being Katy's boyfriend so double the reinforcements!) I was still weary of this application. Telling people where I am and at what time I was there? How about just asking them to rob me or attack me? Well in actuality the only people who can see my check-ins are friends who also use FourSquare and who I have to approve. If I decide to share the information on my Twitter (which I do) or my Facebook  (which I don't) that's up to me and can be turned on or off in the settings OR can be turned off based on the check in. My whereabouts and who has access to them is entirely up to me, it's no different than me tweeting or updating my status that I am heading to the pool. It's all about being smart.

Privacy Tip: I do check into my work and my home. However, I do not share that information on Twitter and don't necessarily do it right when I arrive.
Free Local Advertising: While Twitter, Facebook, and even email campaigns are wonderful for targeting your audience with deals FourSquare allows companies to offer immediate discounts or loyalty discounts. The user need not plan ahead to receive an incentive and forgetting the coupon or print out doesn't have to prevent them from coming to your establishment. Users can come whenever, unlike special deals that are emailed out once every so often and are only good for a certain period of time, FourSquare allows first time visitors and frequent visitors a chance to use their discount whenever.

Location Based Services: Places won't give you credit (points to try to rule the leaderboard of your friends) if you are too far away. Need to eat? Open FourSquare and see what discounts and deals are available to you for trying a new place.

Fun Extras: You can upload pictures even after checking in. Your friends can comment on your check in. If you are at an event (like say, a concert or hockey game) and you didn't know one of your friends was at the event it will tell you afterwards. You can also give tips about locations - what to eat, what to avoid, why it's good, etc. Many services are pairing themselves with FourSquare including Yelp!

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