Friday, April 22, 2011

Bourne a Fake

I LOVE Robert Ludlum, I mean I LOVE him. So imagine my dismay when I found out that (even with the permission of Ludlum's estate/family) there was a writer who had no creativity/own idea and decided to continue on with the Bourne books. The Bourne Trilogy is comprised of three excellent novels, and three good movies. Though the movies and books are very, VERY different, both are fun and exciting. As is always the case, the book is a million times better than the movie.

Now perhaps part of the reason I have also loved the Bourne movies is my deep, unwaivering love of Matt Damon. Back in the day I was a supporter of Matt Damon and Sandra Bullock when everyone else claimed other actors as their favorites. Now, everyone claims Damon and Bullock to be their favorites, and that's okay it's good they finally see what I saw since Good Will Hunting / Speed - these two are great actors. I open my daily email from US Weekly and see that not only are they going forward with a fourth Bourne movie based on the book that's not by Robert Ludlum, but Matt Damon isn't going to be a part of it.

This new movie is supposed to be a spin-off, but there have been only a few entertainment series in which a spin-off has been as good or better than the original. Cheers ->Frasier is one of the most memorable of the bunch. How do I feel about this new movie? If you couldn't already tell, I won't be going.

For more info check out US Weekly's piece on the new movie:

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