Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Food Revolution: No Fast Food

Welcome to My Food Revolution, inspired by Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution I am taking my health into my own hands and changing my habits. Every two weeks I am going to try and do one really big change in my life. Throughout those two weeks I'll document my experiences and more so what I've learned and the difficulties I've faced. I need to be accountable and hopefully you'll decide to embark on your own 'Food Revolution'.

Today is the first day of my Food Revolution. As od yesterday I decided to remove fast food from my diet. Not for the most part, or all but once a month it needs to be gone. There are two fast food places I have a special craving for, but since I can only eat Chick Fil A once a year and In N Out Burger once every couple of years I will allow myself one more treat of each. Why am I removing fast food from my diet? I love fast food, I love the convenience, I love the taste, I love everything except for the fact that I consume enough calories in one meal to last an entire day. I have noticed when I limit fast food I drop a pant size. You'd think that would be enough of a reason to keep the fast food at bay but it isn't. Surprisingly it was hearing about how Chicken McNuggets were made, and seeing the Pink Slime that is used in meat for tacos and burgers. It's the fact that businesses don't care about what they give us.

A long time ago someone told me that no one else is looking out for me but me. I thought that was a really pessimistic and critical thing to say. Now I get it. Ultimately the only person responsible for the decisions I make is me, whether people care for my well being the only one who has the power and responsibility to take care of me is me. Businesses are in the market for profit, government is so broken it can barely function, and healthcare is more about staying in the black than keeping me healthy. Restaurants will get away with whatever 'tricks' they can employ to fatten their bank accounts while still providing food that we'll eat. Profit is the name of the game, health is something even healthcare companies care about *after* they've balanced their overhead and budgets. Lawsuits can be filed and complaints can be made but ultimately it is up to us to take care of ourselves. It is our right, ney our responsibility to take care of ourselves and make the right choices for ourselves.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life that I will actively try to keep fast food out of my body. I know it will be hard, I've grown up with fast food and love eating it. But here's the thing: I love me more. I am worth fighting for and I am worth paying more for better food. I deserve better, and so do you.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! I, too have cut out MOST fast food from my diet! It was hard at first because, yes it's totally convenient but I'm here to tell ya, it CAN be done! Plus, it's so much healthier for you to pack your own meals, and cheaper, too!

    I've lost 20 pounds so far, not just getting rid of fast food, but other things as well...but this has certainly helped!
