Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Food Revolution: Terminology is Tricky

One of the reasons participating in a Food Revolution is so difficult is because of the language surrounding food. It seems every way you turn the food industry is trying to trick the consumer into believing they are making healthy choices when they may not be. Maybe you're not into reading labels like I am, I know a lot of people avoid labels for their own reasons and I respect their decision to do that. Then there are the more neurotic types like me who want to know every ingredient that is in their food before they buy it. I'm sure the average person out there is a happy medium of the two, checking some of the food typically called 'junk food' and reaching for the 'healthy food' without even a second glance. But they come up to the egg aisle and they see all these different labels on the carton and thinking they're picking the right thing grab a cage free, all natural egg. It costs more, it makes them feel good, and yet it does nothing to ensure the chicken lives in a way that is beneficial to you or it. This article was sent to me by a friend and it deciphers the jargon written on your egg cartons.

So don't just buy the brown eggs because you think they're better; make sure they're pasture raised if possible and organic. If you can't find pasture raised eggs (as I'm having a difficult time doing) make sure you're getting free range not cage free. Most chickens live in a hut but that doesn't mean the hut is sanitary or safe but it's still sans cage. Make sure you know what things mean, otherwise you might as well just get the regular eggs rather than paying 50% more for something that isn't that much better for you.

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