Friday, March 6, 2009


Yesterday I met a woman who seemed to be a trainwreck. I met her at a company meeting, and she was a prospective rep, looking at joining our company. When I first met her I thought she was weird, but I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

First she started telling us about her divorce, her children, and her job search. Things were going smoothly. I left and talked to a few other people and came back to hear her describe her sexual escapades. This mother of three was sleeping with one guy, becoming exclusive with another guy, and online dating a third guy. This is not why I feel she was a trainwreck, what she wants to do in the privacy of her home is none of my business. However, her attending this meeting was part of the interview process. Every word, every mannerism is seen by the recruiters, the company, and most importantly the boss.

Now I would never tell my bosses what I've done with any guy on a date. I would probably not even tell them that I had a date. But here she was blabbing about hooking up with this guy the day after she had become exclusive with this other guy. And our head boss was walking around and talking to people within earshot. How do you tell a woman, much older than yourself, that her stories are completely inappropriate for an interview?

My friend and I were discussing common sense, and it seems like these days people don't have any. There are things about life that seem so cut and dry to most of us, that apparently are not to everyone. Everyone I am friends with knows it's inappropriate to be referring to men as booty calls and describing the sex on an interview. And my friends are in their twenties, not their late thirties. Oy.

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