Monday, March 9, 2009

Queen Of Passive Aggressiva

Yesterday, my friend came over and was sick. The remedy? Dr. McDreamy, and lots of it. While watching the first season, all the hilarious quotes and moments came to mind and conversation. We exchanged quips about what was said, what was going to be said, and just in general laughed loudly.

Approaching the season finale, we knew Addison was coming. And although I hated Addison at the beginning, I grew to love her. One of my favorite lines that McDreamy ever said was to Addison. "There is a land called Passive Aggressiva and you are their Queen." Now if you know the show he is not one to talk. He could of told Meredith about being married several times but it was never mentioned. A little bit of the pot calling the kettle black.

Recently I've talked about trying to become more direct, and I am trying. It's slow at first, saying the little things that don't really hurt anyone's feelings and by saying them do no harm to relationships. And it was scary at first, but it's getting easier. However, there are always going to be a few people in your life that make being direct difficult. I can count those people on one hand, and I know exactly why I avoid the whole truth with them, they simply do not respond well.

These people are direct, they are honest, and they have no problem telling me what I am doing wrong. A prime example is my father. He is very honest, very direct, and I never am left guessing how my actions are affecting him. In every way my father is direct and forthright. However, when it comes to discussing things with him, I am less than direct. I avoid talking to him in general if not just about the subject.

Why is it that telling the most direct people the truth is harder than others? I think it has to do with the fact that most of these people are used to telling others exactly what's up. But I don't know if my father has had a lot of people serve him the same amount of honesty throughout his life that he delivers. I know for me, it's always difficult to hear the whole truth, but for someone who's used to delivering it, I fear it can be even harder. The reaction is not always pleasant and it seems that sometimes they are more sensitive to complete honesty than one would expect.

It's so much easier to be direct and tell the truth and understand it can be hard to swallow. But it's completely different hearing the whole truth, and sometimes hearing things you don't want to hear.

I guess my question is, how do you respond correctly to direct, open and honest conversations? I know that when I have been on the receiving end I usually smile awkwardly but inwardly feel like a beaten dog. Does it get easier when we get older or does age have nothing to do with it? Is it more about practice makes perfect?

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