Friday, March 20, 2009

March Madoff!

I don't like pro-basketball, but I love March Madness. Something about the team pride and the competitiveness of the entire thing that makes it so intriguing. But what I love the most are the upsets by the underdog. Even the chance that the underdog can come out on top.

But what is it about the underdog that we love so much in life, in love and in sports? We always root for the little guy, is it because the majority of us are the 'little guy'?

Professional and even D1 Athletes are built differently than the rest of us. They don't like look us and most of them tower over us. We are indeed, little comparatively. I'm not saying we root for the everyday person, aka the underdog/little guy if they are non-deserving. When McDonald's was sued for millions of dollars most of us shook our heads in disgust with the greed of one individual. It was not a victory for the common man but rather proving that in America you're allowed to be stupid and get paid for it.

I think this is why so many people have a problem with the corporate scandal, greed, and schemes. Enter Bernard Lawrence Madoff. Oh Bernie. The question is not 'why are you so greedy?' or 'what made you think you could get away with this?' The real question is, 'how did you get away with this for so long?' For those living under a rock, Bernard Lawrence Madoff was the father of the 50 billion dollar Ponzi scheme. His ever-faithful wife claims she had no clue about the scheme (yeah right) and claims to be innocent. I guess the question is, what kind of marriage do you have if you turn a blind eye to your husband's illegal business operations? I believe she should be punished just as harshly as Bernie. Seeing evil and doing nothing about it for your own benefit is just as bad as being evil.

Add for those locals, we have our own version of Bernie and Ponzi in St. Cloud's finest,
Thomas Petters. St. Thomas alum can take solace knowing St. Ben's appointed him to their board of trustees, and he has no ties to our school (because unfortunately, we can't handle another scandal at this point :/....)

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