Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yay For Earth Day

What is it about Earth Day that gets some people's blood boiling? For my part, I know many democrats and moderates who fully appreciate Earth Day. I also know many, many Republicans who are anti-Earth Day. What is making this happen? As far as I know the same Republicans who are hating on Earth Day are also recycling, cutting energy costs, etc. What is it about the title that makes so many people so hostile?

Exhibit 1: The debate over "Greenhouse Gas Effect". Here's the thing, unless you're a scientist studying the effects you probably don't know exactly if there are or are not Greenhouse Gas Effects that are causing the polar caps to melt, etc. etc. And even if you are a scientist working on this case, you probably know the competing argument that this has happened before. However, as we all (should) know our history, those around at the time are now extinct. So lesson to be learned? We are still up in the air about GGE (I'm lazy and my argument is I'm using the computer less if I abbreviated therefore using less energy, see?) but emitting pollution, littering, etc. are not good for the Earth, we just aren't sure how awful it is yet. So recycle, turn off the lights when you leave, and try carpooling every once in awhile. Most of these things don't cost money (some even save you some cash) and even if 50 years later we find out we were not creating GGE, cutting your energy usage down probably didn't hurt you that much. So turn the water off while you brush your teeth, turn off that light, unplug that toaster while at work, and recycle all those plastic bottles. Chances are, you'll end up saving yourself money, and that's a Green effect we all can enjoy.

Exhibit 2: Being energy & money conscience is not Republican nor is it Democrat, it's just plain intelligent. And if you refuse to do something that will ultimately save you money with little effort you are the only one losing out. Politics aside, there is no reason for you not to care for your home, and the Earth is your home. Now if there is a financial incentive to get you to care for your home (lower electric and water bills) then what's stopping you other than politics?

This has been my rant on how silly people can be. I hope everyone remembers we only have one Earth, one planet, and once it's done, we're done. Now go save some dollars and turn off your computer!

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