Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where'd You Grow Up? A Barn?

Manners are a funny thing aren't they? When I was growing up my favorite phrase my mother would say was "Don't do that, what if you accidentally do it on a date?" It was just so much easier to do it my way instead of the 'proper' way. Now that I'm out in the 'real world' I find that not everyone's mothers told them to behave, and I'm wishing they would have.

Pet Peeve # 1 - "No offense" at the end doesn't make it less offensive. If you have to say this, chances are you know that what you are saying is offensive, rude, and lacks class. The reason you say 'no offense' at the end is because you're saying something b*&$%y and you don't want to take responsibility for what you are saying. If you have the nerve to say what you are going to say, say it. Often times it's not even offensive until you add 'no offense' at the end, trying to negate all responsibility for the statement just made.

Pet Peeve # 2 - People who cut you off mid-sentence. We've all been super excited and wanted to say something, or have been talking to someone who won't let you get a word in edgewise However, there is no excuse for not waiting your turn. I know I hate when people interrupt me mid sentence, so sometimes I make an exception to this rule and interrupt them just for fun. Then I remember I don't want to be a hypocrite, so I stop.

Amendment to # 2 - If you are a constant conversation hog, then you deserved to get cut off mid sentence. It is just as rude to dominate an entire conversation as it is to cut people off. No one wants to hear your soliloquy. But thanks.

Pet Peeve # 3 - Super hardcore Republicans and super hardcore Democrats. For whatever reason people who are way to the right or way to the left think that they are the only ones with an opinion that matters. So in fact, the way left and way right share something in common, they're both out of touch, out of reality, and believe themselves to be correct. Wow, there finally may be a common ground for politics.

Pet Peeve # 4 - Hardcore but very judgmental Christians. I have nothing against people who decide Christ is their thing. I am spiritual but not religious. What I do have a problem with is people saying that "you're going to hell" when in fact their very own bible tells them (repeatedly mind you) not to judge others, and that they have no authority in this matter. What makes it okay for you to be judgmental when the very religion you're preaching is all about tolerance and love and forgiveness? Sound a little ironic and/or hypocritical to you? Me too, and I think hypocrisy is quite possibly the rudest thing out there.

And to end my rant about manners, the least polite thing to do? Tell someone they have no manners. If you've noticed so has everyone else, there is no need to ridicule or hurt their feelings. They'll get it eventually. Plus, everyone has a mother already and no one wants you to be theirs. Especially if you're not older than them (it's more insulting I think at least.)

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