Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shelter Dogs

Today my friend came over with ice cream, salsa and People. It may see like a weird combination at first, but we were having enchiladas and chips. We needed salsa and dessert.

She brought the People on her own accord and reading a story inside of it broke my heart.
It seems with job loss on the rise more and more families are having to let go of their pets. These families have cut back on cable, internet and phone service, but the lack of funds have prevented them from being able to keep a member of their family.

Reading the story broke my heart, I could never imagine giving up my pooch. I would eat less just to keep her, and at times when I was trying to figure out my budget and struggling each week to make myself become more responsible, I often did have smaller portions or eat things I didn't like to be able to afford her organic food. Why organic you might say? Well at 17lbs every ounce counts, and Chanel isn't able to keep her weight on with non-organic food. She literally loses up to 3 lbs, and when you are that small, it's very unhealthy and very scary.

The point of this blog is to encourage you to do something. If you are someone looking to add a member to your family, please look at the local shelter first. There are many well-trained loving pets who are dying for a home. And if you aren't in the position to take on a new member of your family but have some extra time on your hands, please look into donating that time to volunteering. Pets need to be played with, loved, and walked.

It's been said that only 5 minutes of petting a dog can lower your blood pressure. Isn't it almost unhealthy not to spend time with an animal?? Check out your local animal shelter for more details on volunteering your time.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so sad. I seriously would consider going semi-hungry in order to keep my cat. I mean.... I would definitely eat one less meal a day in order to have her in my might be good for my pant size too.... I HATE hearing about animals in need :/ They are so at the mercy of us humans....and that's not saying much sometimes.... sad.
