Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Bad Day Continued

So.....I thought my bad day at work was just going to be about my heel breaking and nothing really going my way. I mean, isn't it enough punishment for a girl to ruin her favorite heels after the third time wearing them?

Well long story short, I was dog-sitting Annie & Skipper, my Uncle's two white labs whom Chanel absolutely adores. When she was dog-sat by my Uncle she looked less than thrilled to see me, she would have preferred that I never come home I think!!! So Chanel and I had left my sweat pants at work with my flip flops at work. I had let the girls out, fed them and let them out again. I was on my way back to work to get my sweat pants to relax with the girls & watch some tv on the HUGE plasma television, what a great night, right? Well for whatever reason Chanel wanted to come with me. Probably lucky she did. I'm driving back to Edina and am rounding the last curve before my favorite road of all time - Ferndale Ave. All of a sudden I drive over a LARGE piece of metal. This awful scrapping noise starts and there are cars behind me. The speed limit is 50 mph. I can't just stop, so I start heading off to Ferndale. The noise comes to a screeching stop as the piece of metal flies out from the car and my car starts to seriously smoke up. There is the most awful smelling smoke coming out of my car hood.

My flashers are on and about twenty cars pass me, each giving me the evil eye. How dare I let my old, piece of crap (which mind you is relatively new and in no way shape or form a piece of crap) die on their beautiful road? This old, crappy car pulls up next to me and these two men come out and one of them is missing teeth. He tells me, the green goop coming out of my car is anti-freeze and that the area the metal tore is most likely the hose that connects the radiator to the engine, making it impossible for the engine to stay cool. I call one of my best friend's dad who helps me with my car and he tells me he will fix my car if I can get it back to St. Paul.

I get back onto Shoreline Dr. and my car starts overheating within 45 seconds. I pull over to the side and cars are whizzing by at 50 miles an hour. It takes over half an hour to even get 20 more yards to the next road. I finally call Progressive Auto Insurance and they tell me, that I had somehow neglected to click the spot for 24 hour complete road side assistance. Said assistance covers towing and any other problem. The cost? $1 more a month. They finally send me a tow truck and my poor dog is deathly afraid of cars, let alone loud noises. My dog decides to drool all over me and my pants the entire way there.

The silver lining? Well there's a few. All of my friends offered to come get me, knowing I have amazing people in my life makes bad times better. The other? The place my boss introduced me to in order to get my oil changed was one of two places open on Friday past 7 pm. They stayed open until I got there to make sure they could process my car. And the last good news? Progressive said to try and claim it as it was technically a collision with a hazardous material in the road.

What a Friday, my motto turned into Thank God It's Saturday instead. Then my car didn't get fixed in time, my allergies got bad and I got Pink Eye, right after I made fun of people who get Pink Eye. Moral of the story? Always pay for roadside assistance, you never know when you're gonna need it. AND when it rains it pours, but what doesn't kill you makes you so much stronger.

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