Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Food Revolution: Organic Peanut Butter

Thus far my journey into removing as many processed foods has been relatively easy. Vegetables just require an understanding in how to make them before you start craving them. My baked asparagus? Heaven. My sauteed summer squash? Pure bliss. While the majority of my changes have been more than easy to make there was one that was somewhat difficult. Organic Peanut Butter. Why? You'd think this would be easy as you'd think they didn't put much into the PB. Wrong. But the thought of ingesting chemicals makes me gag a bit so while it took a little manipulation I figured out a great solution and thought I'd share with you too. :)

The bread I eat is the Honey Wheat bread from Great Harvest and because the Peanut Butter I have requires refrigeration I have to toast my bread so it spreads a bit easier. I then slather on some honey on to the other piece of lightly toasted bread and hanker down. It's quite simple and the end result is amazing. The Peanut Butter is a bit hard for me to eat without a bit of sugar and I eat honey on my Peanut Butter sandwhiches so it provides that extra bit of sugar I need, the heat from the toast needed to melt the Peanut Butter a bit (as it has a very weird looking texture as it is cold) and a bit of a crunch with the toast.

I get my Peanut Butter from Parker's Farm which is available at Lunds and Byerly's stores across Minnesota.

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