Thursday, June 9, 2011

How to Save a Life: It Only Takes 20 Minutes

The past few days we've seen #AlicesBucketList or #AliceBucketList trend worldwide on Twitter. While it's great that so many people are tweeting and re-tweeting about Alice, it would be even more wonderful if they would think about the one thing she wants the most. for everyone to get tested to donate marrow.

This past year hockey fans everywhere were told to go and get tested for Mandi Schwartz, they were told to 'Be the Match' and sign up. I was as touched as everyone else, crying every time I read about Mandi, yet I always forgot to sign up to get tested. Upon seeing Alice's story I was instantly reminded of Mandi's, her struggle and ultimate death. But I wouldn't call her death the end, her memory and legacy is alive in those who were touched by her story and chose to act on it. And that now includes me, as I've signed up to become a donor. I'm ashamed I didn't sign up earlier, but I've made the decision not to dwell in the past but move forward as a better person tomorrow. Hopefully enough people will be motivated by Mandi and Alice alike and seek to take a whole fifteen minutes to answer a questionnaire and five minutes to conduct a cheek swab. That's it, less than twenty minutes total to find out if you can save someone else's life.

Super heroes are great, they're entertaining and fun to watch. But even a super hero can't match an everyday hero who saves someone else's life not by gift, but by choice. It's a simple choice, but an important one. Won't you take the test so Alice's story has a different ending than Mandi's?

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