Friday, June 10, 2011

Honorable Mentions: They Didn't Make the Cut

There are so many songs that I would include if I could, but alas not every great song can be special enough to be on my list ;) So here's some of the other songs I was crossing off the list when I made my decisions. If you get crazy enough to create your own list, send it on over!

Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around Comes Around: One of my favorite sayings in regards to karma. I've loved Justin since 6th grade, and when he went solo the rest of the music loving industry finally understood my love. He's a talented musician, actor, dancer and comedian.

Feist - I Feel It All: I love My Moon, My Man and 1234 but this song is so happy and more upbeat than either of Feist's other popular songs. When I first heard it I whipped out my iPhone and used my SoundHound to figure out what song it was so I could download it immediately. It just makes you that happy.

Stevie Wonder - Isn't She Lovely: A song about one's love for their child. As someone who isn't a mother I haven't yet looked down at something so miraculous that is a part of me but I am an aunt. Babies are a miracle, a beautiful miracle and this song reminds me of my nieces, nephews and cousins. I know everyone says their family members are the cutest, but let's be real, mine are!

U2 - Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For: Ever feel like you're treading water and just can't find who you're supposed to be or what you're supposed to do? No? Well I have and it's something I still struggle with now, something that I've resigned to the fact that I will always be looking for. Not to say that I'll never be happy but rather that I will always be looking for something more, for better or worse.

The Beatles - Blackbird: This is not a Beatles song I was familiar with, I knew their greatest hits, their popular songs but this particular song I was not familiar with. When I heard it on Glee and found out it was originally The Beatles I understood my love of the song. They have such a way with words and melody that you don't see often these days. I'm glad I finally found this song. :)

Wicked - Defying Gravity: I was never a Broadway buff and even when Glee performed this song I didn't really 'get it'. It was a year later when I finally found an appreciation for this song. Going against the grain to follow your dreams, to find happiness. I imagine most people who encounter this song will love it. I've added the Glee cast version to almost every playlist I have (well except for working out!)

Led Zeppelin - Kashmir: I know that 'Stairway to Heaven' is their most famous song, and for good reason. However, Kashmir was always my favorite. Lyrically it's not nearly as strong as 'Stairway to Heaven' and I know this. Its appeal? Well I love the instrumental of this song. There's few songs that motivate me to keep working out without lyrics. In fact, only one song can do it, and it's this song. Why? Well this song's instrumental is just that good.

Otis Redding - Sitting on the Dock of the Bay: There were just too many good songs to include but this one takes me back to our minivan every time. It seemed every roadtrip we took (and trust me, we took A LOT of roadtrips) had this song playing. In fact roadtrips definitely shaped the person I am, when we were traveling with my Dad there was no stopping until we needed gas. At which point you ate and used the bathroom and didn't stop again until you needed more gas. I think a large part of why it's easy for me to control drinking soda or eating food is due to those trips, because you had to learn will power not to eat the junk food and soda made available for the trips when you weren't going to stop for another few hours!

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