Monday, February 23, 2009

Who Is The Better President?

Lately I've woken up to the strangest dreams. The other night I dreamt that Britney Spears was elected President of the United States of America. That's right, Brit-Brit. Shaved head and all. What was even more unsettling was that someone was challenging her win, and that someone was Michael Jackson. Equipped with a surgeon mask to cover up the fact that the tip of his nose fell off, he crashed the inaugeration ball. Mayhem insued. Eva Longeria led a dance off against Eva Mendes and Charlize Theron was the judge.

Some might say that my dream was silly, and I'd whole heartedly agree. However, have we let the political system and Hollywood mesh together so much so that celebs are running for public offices (i.e. that Law & Order actor running for President) and public, political figures are becoming celebrities?

My question for you is, who would be the better President, Britney Spears or Michael Jackson. Please comment who and why!

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