Friday, February 13, 2009

Single's Awareness Day?

Oh my favorite day of the year, Valentine's Day. It's much like New Year's Eve and Halloween. You build up expectations for what the night is going to be like and then nothing ever lives up to the amazing idea you have in your head. As a single girl, the best part about Valentine's Day is the really the anti-Valentine's Day bar nights, where they can go to the bar and know that everyone there is single, and looking for someone to spend the night with, even if it's just at the bar.

This Valentine's Day I will be spending the day with Kevin, Brady, Bradley, and oh yes might I add that that is my brother's dog, my nephew and my father, respectively. I will be babysitting two dogs, two kids and two parents. And to be quite honest, I think the dogs will be easy (kennels) as will the kids. It's the parents that will be difficult. Asking all sorts of pesky questions about my love life (which is obviously not flourishing), and bugging me about when I'm going to get married and/or have babies. Oy.

I can't wait until tomorrow is over, so singles don't feel alone, women in relationships don't feel disappointed, and men in relationships aren't worrying trying to get everything perfect so that they don't end up in trouble.

So for everyone who has someone special I hope you make sure they know you love them more than just one day a year. And for us singles, just look at this day as a chance to go to the bar and look for potential dates and friends, because all those obnoxious, annoying, in love couples are off doing something romantic. :)

Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day and let everyone you care about know you love them.

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