Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day of Interesting News

Yesterday the city of Minneapolis announced they were implementing a temporary law for parking on the street in Uptown (where I live) from Thursday, February 11, 2010 until sometime in April.  They are forbidding parking on the odd side of a street.  This means they are eliminating half of the parking spaces that are currently available to residents.  If you live in Uptown you will know that parking is hard enough to find without the current law.  I was thinking about this law on the way over to work this morning and have decided that I will just start taking the bus.  I dislike taking the bus and I have things I need to do in the evening but here's my new remedy.  I will leave my car in the parking garage under our building (safe from snow, tickets, and tows) and just take the bus to and from work.  If I have things to do after work and HAVE to take my car I will park on the street.  If it is early enough, I'll simply return to work and jump on the bus.  This definitely doesn't make me happy, but I can't afford to get towed or ticketed for parking in Uptown (again.)

Last night two teenagers fell into the same spot while snowmobiling.  The first teenager was able to pull themself out of the water and crews were speaking with the individual when the second teenager fell into the water.  This concerned me as it was in MN, and I am going snowmobiling on Thursday night to Lord Fletcher's for their $0.25 wings (which by the way, are AMAZING!!)  Here are some snowmobiling tips to follow this winter:
1 - Stay on a path
2 - If you are snowmobiling on Lake Minnetonka, avoid areas right by the channels, as there is typically a bridge above and the sand from de-icing usually falls onto the ice, making it weaker.  In addition, this is typically a lower water level area, so the ice isn't as thick in the first place.
3 - Let people know you are going out so they will know if something is wrong.
4 - Be of age!!  Unless you were born in 1979 you need to have a snowmobiling license.

Yesterday I was on twitter and say CBS post a link about a bridge collapse widow adopting twins from Haiti.  Being adopted, and living in MN I quickly clicked on the link.  I love this story, this is what makes me regret being pessimistic and gives me hope for humanity.  The people who do for one another without knowing each other.  Here I go trying to be philosophical on life.  I sometimes think that evil exists for good to mean anything.  That in every day life there is good and there is evil.  When awful things happen the good pours forth to balance out the bad.  It is not that people are only good during tragedy but that a percentage of them are good all the time, and the need for good is just increased.

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