There isn't one specific date when the seasons change. According to scientists it's the equinox, the 21st every three months and the season magically changes. Poof! Presto Change-O! Afraid not, every climate is different and every individual's tolerance is different as well.
My personal belief in the seasons has been if I don't acknowledge it, well it hasn't changed over yet! Stubborn? Yes. Out of touch? Very. But why? One part optimism and the other part perception. You see, winter in Minnesota is very cold. VERY COLD. When people complain of bad weather and are wearing hoodies in climes with 56 degrees as their current temp it makes me cringe. They know nothing about real winter, nothing.
Last night I met with Andrew Sherburne of "Pond Hockey," as well as "The Forgotten Miracle of 1960," and most recently an author of the children's book
Ben and Lucy Play Pond Hockey. Andrew and I discussed many of his experiences at length, which can be found over at the hockey website I run,
Chicks Who Give a Puck later on next week. One thing Andrew said that stuck with me was how Minnesotans tackle weather, especially winter. Last night it was 19 degrees and today another snowstorm has greeted the Cities with a blanket of fresh, white powder. Brrrrrrr!
Today I sat at my desk shivering and dreading winter when I remembered what Andrew had said, "You're only cold for a little while, and then you get moving and you forget about the cold because you are having so much fun!" and I began a mental list of all the adventures I will partake in this winter. If you stick around, you'll get to join me.
After six years of really living here including the three years I spent attending college here I'm finally going to enjoy winter rather than endure it. I've got a laundry list of things I plan on attempting, and am always open to suggestions, partners in crime, and feedback.
On the agenda this year that I have yet to try:
Attending my first high school hockey game.
Attending my first US Pond Hockey Tournament.
Attempting to ice fish.
Obtaining my snowmobile license.
Skating as many of the ponds, outdoor rinks and lakes in and around the cities.
Learning how to do a hockey stop.
Attempting to ice surf/snow kiting.
Participating in the Winter Carnival scavenger hunt.
Catching the Macy's Christmas Parade in both Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Snowshoe across Lake Minnetonka.
Trying every single restaurant in the Cities with a Juicy Lucy and rating them all.